Revelation & Co Performance Highlight – Onstage Woodward’s Grease


Revelation & Co Performance Highlight

Production:  Onstage Woodward’s Grease

When:  March 26-29 & April 3 & 4, 2015 (8 performances total)

Onstage Woodward’s production of Grease was the first musical theatre production in Woodward to feature Revelation & Co dancers. Ranging in age from 10 – 13, five of our own braved the theatre stage for their premiere performance. While four of our dancers (Ava Bogdahn, Macy Duncan, Kourtlen Dunlap, and Clarissa Elliott) were featured in the large full cast musical numbers, Eve Spaeth was cast in the small but sassy role of Cha-Cha. Revelation & Co owner and instructor, TeNeil Spaeth, was the production’s choreographer and was also featured in the dance contest scene.

Some of the lessons learned during the maiden voyage into the realm of large musical theatre productions:

  1. Late nights are required.  Many of them.
  2. Fast food is required. Often.
  3. Coffee is required (for us older individuals, anyway). In large quantities.
  4. Those who dance and sing together will stay lifelong friends.
  5. Memory-making will be had. It is inevitable. Memories that encompass all the emotions – ranging from exhaustion to euphoria.
  6. More late nights are required. And more after that.
  7. More fast food is required. And more after that.
  8. Modesty is something of which dancers and musical theatre performers have only heard. Hello, quick changes.
  9. Nothing (And we mean NOTHING) beats performing for a sold out crowd that is purposely there for you to entertain them. That give-and-take relationship between an audience and their performers is indescribable.  And addicting.
  10. Post-Show Depression is real. And is best described by this Urban Dictionary definition:

“The feeling after a musical is over and you realize you have no life. After putting months into making a show perfect, it is all over. It is a feeling of emptiness and sadness. Usually during the finale is when this begins. It can continue from then till weeks or months after the show is finished. You get little pangs when you see something that reminds you of the musical or when you are sitting at home on a night when you would usually be performing or rehearsing……It is really only understood by fellow theatre dorks.”

The only cure is to do another production, so bring it on.


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